Your guiding light toward a shining, confident, and healthy smile with an array of denture options
Like the stars that share our name, Orion Dental Specialties creates smiles that shine with confidence and health. Our talented dentists, Drs Melanie and Farnam Farzam, apply their powerful blend of training and artistry to build or restore broken smiles, which have been marred by irreparable decay or damage and tooth loss. Every day, our team in Cypress, Texas, sees the full effect of their complete dentures and partial options for tooth replacement. They transform far more than smiles, as important as that is. Our patients walk a little taller, speak clearly and proudly, laugh freely, and can enjoy a variety of foods again without pain. Getting a new set of teeth, they can be proud of and that function no differently than healthy and natural teeth is truly a life-changing process.
Get to know today’s dentures.
Complete dentures primarily recreate the appearance and structure of natural teeth and gum tissue. The replacement teeth are made of materials such as acrylic or porcelain, which have been precisely color-matched to look like natural teeth. These teeth sit on a base made from an array of different dental materials (we are happy to discuss all of your options). The base is designed to look like pink-red gum tissue.
Our dentists take great care to ensure your new teeth and gums look natural, not like fake-appearing or overall plastic “false” teeth. It is vital that these dentures fit well. Many of the complaints associated with traditional dentures are due to a poor fit. Since these dentures are stabilized by natural suction, it is critical that they conform perfectly to the contours of your mouth. Properly-fitting dentures do not slip around and irritate delicate oral tissues. You chew food efficiently, and your diet is not limited. Likewise, you can confidently smile, speak, and laugh, knowing that your dentures will not slip around.
A note on “partials.”
As with complete dentures that replace an entire upper or lower arch of teeth, partial dentures (“partials”) to replace a group of teeth are also designed at our office to look like the “real thing.” These appliances differ from complete dentures. Instead of getting their support from underlying tissues (suction) and products like denture adhesives, partials are often held in place by clasps. These clasps are connected to a thin metal framework containing prosthetic teeth. They wrap around existing teeth at the gum line. Others can’t see this silver metal framework because it is covered with gum-colored acrylic.
A modern twist
Instead of being held by clasps, suction, or adhesives, dental implants may be strategically placed in the jawbone to stabilize dentures. These implants, in turn, function like tooth roots to hold the denture base firmly in place. As few as four implants may be used to replace an entire upper or lower arch of prosthetic teeth. Drs Melanie and Farzam may also discuss immediate dentures with you. This method applies a transitional or provisional denture immediately after teeth are extracted. So, you never have to be seen or function without all of your teeth! All-on-4 implants are even suitable for patients with bone loss (without the need for grafting).
If you are holding on to badly damaged teeth or have gaps in your smile, do not delay scheduling an appointment at Orion Dental Specialties. Call (832) 906-8313 to speak with a member of our team in Cypress, TX today.